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Our Debut at Global Goals Week


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Our First Event - Learning Planet Festival

Climate Advocacy: Do Small Things in a RAD Way!

Event Description:

R.A.D. stands for Radiance, Art, and Designs, and this initiative is a climate change advocacy organization seeking to grasp attention and increase action on this global issue. The way that we accomplish our goal is through the publication of artwork and articles by youths around the globe on this topic. JOIN NOW to play your part in this global endeavor!

In order to do small things in a RAD way, youths under 21 around the world submit their best creative expressions on climate change. United and together will be the best way to tackle climate change in a RAD, ingenious way.

In our first global event, we plan to speak more about the urgency of this issue, the role our organization plays in supporting it, and a group discussion with the audience on concerns and ideas that they wish for the world to hear.




Sustainable Development Goals:


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